

Our state of the art facilities allow us to take on some of the most impactful research on the planet

Do you need us to design the DNA required for a specific project, like producing a protein in a plant? Expressing DNA in a mouse? making a novel gene therapy? Or maybe you want to put bacteria or fungi to good use in a novel way?

We’re a fully certified research facility, and we’ll help bring your idea to life.

Here’s a taste of what we do.

Genetic Tranformations

Stable Bio-protoyping

          Our state-of-the-art facilites allow us to do rapid and stable transformations of bacteria, plants, yeast, mammilian cells, or animals.





Cell Culture

In vitro animal cell lines

        Our trained scientists conduct research with mammilian cell lines to test and perfect gene expression in gene therapies





Nanoparticle production

Nanoparticle gene delivery

Lipid Nanoparticles have changed the future of gene therapies forever. After the covid vaccines spurred their rapid devlopment, they have become one of the most tpwoerful tools for gene therapy in the world.


Plant tissue culture

plant multiplication

         Humanity’s relationship with the plant kingdom runs deep. Plants have provided medicines, delivered nourishment, and formed the structures of our homes for thousands of years. Our labortory cultures many species of plants, and can help yopu to establish valuable new species



Gene expression

         We use a brand new Magnetic Induction qpcr to provide fast and repeatable gene expression and quantified amplification.



high throughput biology

         Kultiva’s trained scientists conduct humane research on mammalian GenTech with a full animal facility and veterinarians on staff. We work with mammalian cell cultures, mice, guinea pigs, and a variety of other animals. We have a variety of genetic and behavioral tests to gather research on life-changing gene therapy.


Animal Lab

In vivo gene delivery

         Kultiva’s trained scientists conduct humane research on mammalian GenTech with a full animal facility and veterinarians on staff. We work with mammalian cell cultures, mice, guinea pigs, and a variety of other animals. We have a variety of genetic and behavioral tests to gather research on life-changing gene therapy.


ELISA reading

Protein Detection

Our solid state ELISA reader gives us fast turn around time for protein detection and luminescence. this lets us detect small amoutns of proteins from blood or serum samples.

Enhanced Agroforestry

At Kultiva, we’re helping to create economically viable, biodiverse ecosystems by genetically enhancing trees that grow 50% faster, photosynthesize more efficiently, and require fewer nutrients to survive.

We specifically focus on productive crops, such as lumber, palm oil, and agricultural crops. That way, these agroforests can support the people living nearby. 

What’s more? Our plants can withstand intense heat and drought, create their own fertilizer, and attract animals and pollinators—helping these forests and ecosystems rebound with life. These agroforests can then indefinitely support local economies and indegenous societies.


         We have a wide selection inverted miicroscopes, inverted flourescent, and standard microscopes to help provide expert photography.