
Medical Technology

Kultiva works with innovative startups, governments, and healthcare providers to support clinical applications and develop world changing biotechnology

Welcome to the Genetic Revolution

Over the past 50 years, developing applications of Genetic Technology (GeneTech) were limited to large corporations and universities.

Today, we’ve reached a turning point. Thanks to the exponential growth of research technology, costs have dropped dramatically. That means specialized research facilities like Kultiva can partner with startups and forward-thinking leaders around the world.

The result? Powerful breakthroughs, such as:

  • Gene Therapies to cure our most devastating diseases and extend the human lifespan, outperforming traditional medicines in efficacy, affordability, and safety
  • Ageing clocks that allow us to track the biomarkers of ageing, and address the root causes that cause disease, demetia, and premature death
  • Enhanced Agriculture to increase the productivity of palm oil, rice, lumber, and other crops- reducing deforestation and leading the way in sustainablity
  • Fast-growing, carbon-devouring plants that thrive in depleted soil, generating biomass and rapidly revitalizing their ecosystems along with the soil in which they grow
  • New kinds of vaccines and Antivenoms—affordable and scalable medicines that allows its access to rural areas who need it the most

These are just some of the projects we’re working on through our system of rapid bio-prototyping of plants and other organisms at our facility in Bali, Indonesia.


Scientists & Collaboators

We’re a diverse team of research scientists and biologists from many different countries.  We joined forces to develop cutting-edge genetic solutions to some of the world’s most pressing problems, and we’ve designed a sustainable business model that supports our clients, the countries we serve, and the planet as a whole.